Call For Papers- Annual Nutrition Symposium 2022-CLOSED
Scope of the symposium: The
Ministry of Health is organizing a four-day Nutrition Symposium focusing on the
systems approach for improving nutrition in Uganda. The Symposium provides an
opportunity for stakeholders to share their work, innovations, and other
initiatives that promote healthy diets, inform Nutrition program, Policy, and Nutrition
Information systems.
Symposium theme: Strengthening
systems for improved nutrition in Uganda
Sub-themes |
1. Maternal, Infant, Young Child and Adolescent Nutrition (MIYCAN) a. Scaling up BFHI implementation in promotion, protection and support of optimal breastfeeding practices b. Leveraging community care practices for improved household and community nutrition c. Nutrition in emergencies d. Early childhood development interventions in improving early Childhood Nutrition e. Innovations addressing Gender, Youth and Social inclusion to improve uptake of nutrition care seeking behavior. 2. Nutrition
in Health and Disease a. Innovations for management of malnutrition b. Prevention and control of nutrition related NCDs c. Nutrition policies, guidelines, and standards 3. Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation a. Use of data to improve nutrition services b. Using research to inform action in nutrition c. Empowering government in e-HMIS/Nutrition information systems skills d. Nutrition support supervision and monitoring tools in Nutrition systems performance |
4. Human Resources for Nutrition a. Current Nutrition Human Resource needs b. Pre- and in-service capacity building initiatives for Nutrition Human Resources c. Advocacy for recruitment of nutritionists 5.
Financing in Uganda a. Role of government and nutrition stakeholders in financing nutrition programmes and activities b. Evidence from program and policy analysis for nutrition costing 6.
for Nutrition in Uganda a. Current nutrition supply needs b. Why invest in nutrition supply chains? A case for strengthening Uganda's nutrition supply chains c. Integrating nutrition products into health system supply chains: making the case d. National Information Platform for Nutrition and how it impacts evidence based nutrition supply chain systems strengthening 7. Multi-sectoral response to improving nutrition-food systems for accelerating human, social and economic development a. Nutrition sensitive agriculture b. The state of food security and nutrition in Uganda c. Transforming food systems for health d. Health and social protection in improving nutrition |
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