Annual Nutrition Symposium 

The Ministry of Health is organizing a four-day Nutrition Symposium focusing on the systems approach for improving nutrition in Uganda. The Symposium provides an opportunity for stakeholders to share their work, innovations, and other initiatives that promote healthy diets, inform Nutrition program, Policy, and Nutrition Information systems.
Symposium Theme: "Strengthening Systems for Improved Nutrition in Uganda"
Symposium sub-themes
  1. Maternal, Infant, Young Child and Adolescent Nutrition (MIYCAN)
  2. Nutrition in Health and Disease
  3. Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation
  4. Human Resources for Nutrition
  5. Nutrition Financing in Uganda 
  6. Supplies for Nutrition in Uganda
  7. Multi-sectoral response to improving nutrition-food systems in accelerating human, social and economic development 

Symposium Dates: 15th - 17th  November 2022

Register and Submit your abstract for oral or poster presentation. 

Guidelines for abstract submission: The organizing committee is calling for submission of abstracts from policy makers, program implementers, researchers, academia, development partners and all actors within and outside Uganda. The abstracts relevant to the symposium theme or sub-themes should be written in English and not exceed 300 words. Authors should indicate which sub-theme their abstract pertains to and the preferred mode of presentation (oral or poster). The presenting author should be underlined, and contact information provided. Each abstract should be structured under Introduction, Objectives, Method, Results and Conclusion and submitted as a word document

Send your abstracts to by October 15, 2022.

For more information: Contact the symposium secretariat chair, Mr. Tim Mateeba; Ministry of Health on; Tel: 0780702617; email  or

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