Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presenations
National Nutrition Symposium 2022-Guidelines for Poster And Oral Presentations Date: November 15 – 17, 2022 Venue: Golf Course Hotel, Kampala Specifications for Poster Presentations The recommended poster size is 1 meter by 2 meters (36 inches by 78 inches). The poster board number assigned to the poster must be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the display. A poster board number cut-out will be provided and must be visible at all times. Include, the abstract title, author and co-author names, and the institution(s) where the authors are affiliated. Place the e-mail address, phone, and fax numbers of the corresponding author in the upper right-hand corner of the poster board for attendees who desire further information. The post abstract should include “ Abstract , Introduction/Background ,” Methods/Materials ,” “ Results ,” Discussion , Conclusions , References , and Acknowledgements ” in district ...